Yes we CAN!

Our name is a nod at our Canadian roots, but really  represents the CAN DO attitude in South East Asia. No matter your business challenges our extensive network CAN help you get it done. 

From the start, we've embraced the new "gig economy", so rather than a high priced firm with a full roster of staff you may not need, we  leverage experienced experts when we need them, getting your project exactly the team it needs without the bloated budget. 

A wide range of services for a world wide market

Market Entry Strategy

Asia & Beyond

Thinking about expansion into new territory? We have connections in most of the world's biggest regions, and can help you create the perfect launch plan.

In Market Representation

Boots on the Ground

Many clients aren't ready to hire locally, but need representation without lengthy travel costs. Whether it's eyes on the competition or your first few units, we are here. 

Project Management

Planning & Execution

From product launches, to full scale construction, we have people who have been there, done that. Leverage their experience and minimise your projects delays.

Menu Management

Culinary Connections

We have a team of experts, with vast experience in most cuisines. Need a tweak to a product or a full menu  over haul we're ready to bite in. 


Do you have the Next Big Thing

Every global brand started with an idea, maybe at a kitchen table, or a board room, but it started somewhere.
Let's talk about what you think might be the "NEXT BIG THING".

Beyond Singapore

While we call the little red dot home, we also have reach throughout Asia and beyond.  

If you've ever traveled through our city you'll know why we think it's the gateway to Asia and the best place for our base of operations. 

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